Mother’s Aura


Medium : Ink art
Year Created : 2021
Type : Abstract
Size : 90cm x 66cm

Categories: ,


A mother’s aura is powerful enough to shield her child from all the negative energy.I was inspired to do this artwork by my mother who has protected , guided, strengthened and taught me to be courageous, bold and beautiful.
I have incorporated the five elements of life which are sky,air,water,fire and earth.Each color in the painting represents each element of life and the purple color symbolizes the way a child is protected in a mothers womb which is also an aura securing and showing that nothing is greater than a mother’s love .
Purple also stands for the pride of a mother.A mother’s heart is no longer her’s because her heart wanders wherever her child is. A mother love is unconditional and its her prayers which is the aura that’s guarding us throughout our life.
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